
On the third Sunday of July, the city rejoices the Festa del Redentore, a festivity unique to Venice and a tradition still well alive to these very days.
Every year, on the Saturday before the holiday, a quite peculiar things happens, as a pontoon bridge is built and so connecting the Giudecca island to the rest of Venice.
In the meantime, all the locals will be crowding saint Mark's basin with their boats, all of them waiting for the spectacular midnight fireworks.

How the Tradition Begun

The origin of this celebration dates back to the end of the XVI century, when Venice was hit by a strong plague. The city was on her knees, after more than 50000 people were killed by it. Doge Alvise Mocenigo begged God to end the massacre and promise to build Him a church in exchange. The plug ended shortly after and the promise was fulfilled. The church was built thanks to the astonishing Andrea Palladio project: the one we can all admire today and still is one of the most iconic church in town. We're not sure when the tradition of the floating bridge started, but seems from the beginning. One boat put side to side to allow the pilgrimage of the Venetians devoted from Zattere to Giudecca. All to thank the Redeemer (Redentore) who ended one of the most atrocious plague in Venice.
An orange gem resting on a blue glass plate:
it's Venice seen from above
Henry James

The Celebration

If you decide to live the experience to reach the church on foot, you'll have a very privileged view on it's elegant facade.
Furthermore, you'll see the Venetians sitting on their tables, brought outside to eat and drink in Fondamenta.
Saint Mark basin's will quickly be crowded with decorated boats full of locals, eating their “picnic” with some wine. All of them waiting for the fantastic fireworks at midnight.
Participating at the Redentore celebration will really make you blend in the city life style, will help you understand a little deeper what makes Venice so special, to the whole world and its people as well.
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